AR Policies and Procedures App - Augmented RealiTease

AR Policies and Procedures

25 Years of Digital

As more companies familiarize themselves with the features and capabilities of augmented reality, they are beginning to see the real practical advantages it may have for their day-to-day business operations. Augmented reality uses the camera on a smartphone or tablet to deliver its interface. By combining virtual graphics with a user's unique vantage point, AR creates an ideal context for situational information delivered dynamically and in real time. Web-based AR leverages the advantages of raugmented reality and makes it even more accessible, removing the need to install additional software. The ready access provided by smartphones and online AR apps make the prospect of development even more attractive, because it lowers the cost of initial investment, and speeds the delivery of apps to the market.

Augmented RealiTease is a company with an exclusive focus on the development of cost-effective, immersive, and optimized AR apps that delver real value to their clients. Towards this end, Augmented RealiTease has created a large set of AR concepts that are ripe for development and implementation. AR Policies and Procedures is one that can contribute very effectively to many business contexts.


Large companies need to keep all of their employees fully informed of their policies and procedures. These are important documents that can be quite complex for a large work force, because certain policies and procedures may pertain to one type of work, while a whole other set of P&P applies to another. These P&P documents also need to undergo numerous changes, and there needs to be a central resource to make the changes and inform their workforce accordingly. AR Policies and Procedures can facilitate this effort.


Users can access the web-based AR Policies and Procedures app on their smartphone via their camera. Without having to load any additional software, an office worker can receive P&P related information, with regular notifications for updates. The information can be received through floating text labels, or, in situations where procedures must be followed regarding operating appliances and equipment, operational arrows can be delivered in real time. AR Policies and Procedures can be used to facilitate the workflow in an office, help resolve disputes, aid workers in operating equipment and following safe practices, and allow property managers to gain access to context-specific information when it's needed, and much more.


Augmented reality is proving to be far more than an attractive gimmick. Rather it can be used as a central resource for all types of information delivery, and can provide a scalable, readily accessible, and cost effective solution for a wide range of business challenges. AR Policies and Procedures has the potential to act as a comprehensive platform for large companies to manage their P&P information effectively.

About Augmented RealiTease

Established by its parent company DDA, Augmented RealiTease launched its first AR application in 2009, and the development of AR apps has exploded since the introduction of Apple and Android's introduction of their AR development platforms. With its team of fully degreed professional software programmers, designers, and multimedia specialists, Augmented RealiTease is ready to take on any software development challenge. Because there is no outsourcing for any project, Augmented RealiTease keeps development costs streamlined, and maintains excellent communication with the client throughout the entire process. If you would like to know more about augmented reality and how it can deliver real value to your company and its goals, contact Augmented RealiTease today.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


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