Architecture AR

CAD technology and software transformed the Architecture industry over the last 25 years, becoming the new standard for preparing construction documents. The need for nationwide standardization outweighed the need for innovation, and development in this type of software was rather slow. Only in recent years has the standard software shifted from strictly 2D methods to parametric 3D methods, where the drawing set takes its data from a central 3D model. Augmented Reality has the potential to completely change the architectural documentation
process yet again, with an interface that is immersive and interactive, allowing architects, designers, contractors, builders, and others to participate in architectural possibilities more easily than ever before. The wide availability of smartphones, tablets, and hands-free devices gives a generation of skilled users access to augmented reality applications that put you directly into a space and allow you to build the design around you. It will now be easier to inhabit a proposed design in full scale, and to gauge its firmness, commodity and delight.
CAD is highly complex, and nearly all applications involve a steep learning curve. There is also a long standing battle between 2D orthographic drawings, delivered as construction documents, with the 3D results, in real space, and with materials that crack and leak. Augmented Reality has a lot to offer the architectural industry, with an interface that can allow a team to work together in full scale and in 3D, with less guesswork as to the final result.
The architecture industry is in need of innovation in the way it visualizes and documents buildings. Augmented reality is a wide ranging solution that will reach into all aspects of the industry, from architectural and interior design, to committee presentations and design reviews, to ambitious public works projects and ambitious students across the country. Augmented Reality is poised to become the new paradigm for architectural production, taking it from a drawing format, to one where you can freely walk in and around your ideas.
You can access an architectural modeling application from your mobile device. Your setting can be in an office or directly onsite. A designer can suggest a slab dimension with a certain material and it will appear as if it is already there on site. The surface can be photo-realistically rendered, with shadows and reflections that shift when you adjust your viewpoint. You can then test out different wall types, including fire rated assemblies and fully detailed curtain wall systems. Details can be edited and switched out with other components. You can alter the floor to floor height interactively, and carefully adjust it to the desired level. Structural and roof systems can be just as easily tested, until you have a completed virtual assembly prior to any bricks and mortar. Imagine the prospect of walking in and around a building that isn't there yet, and you have an idea about how compelling Augmented Reality experiences can be.
As award-winning creators of custom mobile software applications, DDA is all about implementing innovative ideas with maximum impact in the marketplace. Augmented RealiTease launched its first AR project in 2009, and is excited about the recent developments in augmented reality that make it more widely available. Augmented RealiTease believes many industries can benefit from the use of AR, and its interactive and immersive qualities can create simulation experiences that are creative, cost effective, and have long term value. The Augmented RealiTease studios are located just outside Philadelphia, and its team of seasoned professionals has the expertise and the experience to address any aspect of the project, no matter how complex or challenging. By maintaining a comprehensive skill set in house, Augmented RealiTease keeps production costs low, with a final result that is fully integrated and tested to perform seamlessly across every platform. If you would like to know more about how AR is going to change the architecture industry, or if you have an innovative concept you would like us to develop with you, contact us today.