Books AR

The world of books opens up with curiosity, and augmented reality applications on your mobile device can be used to enhance and deepen your appreciation of books. While developments like the Kindle and other e-readers have served to remove the use of actual books, it has also provided an entire generation with another way to access book material and to attract a huge number of readers that might otherwise not have taken to reading as avidly as they have.
This is just one example of how new media can enhance the use of another type of media, and augmented reality has the potential to take this aspect of participation with books even further. The advent of online devices and the vast number of skilled users have provided the ideal venue for the introduction of AR into the mainstream, and Augmented RealiTease is a leading developer of custom mobile software poised to take your ideas and implement them successfully, from cover to cover.
The effectiveness of the internet and the attention it demands for the younger generation puts books and their enjoyment at serious risk. Any apps that serve to reconnect youth back to the pleasures of books, both for scholarship and enjoyment, will rejuvenate the life of books for the future, and instill a reverence, respect, and admiration for the shape of thoughts only books can provide. Augmented reality will play a vital role in reconnecting the world of books with the online experience.
Joining the immersive experience of books with the possibilities of augmented reality will have the potential to create new types of expression, and to connect the long history of books with the most advanced communications techniques now available. DDA is excited about the prospects for this and other AR applications that can make the world a rich and rewarding place.
Augmented reality can develop new and original ways of experiencing books. As a 3D interactive interface, AR has the ability to create a book with pages that fold out into the landscape, like a pop-up book of great complexity. Augmented reality can also be used to enhance the experience of an actual book, with floating illustrations or animations and highlighted annotations with links to support material. The environmental aspect of augmented reality makes it ideal for an exploration of the book, both as an artifact or as an historical or educational experience, or as an enhanced elaboration of its contents, whether that entails the recreation of a spectacle or a scholarly exegesis. As another medium that is used for fleshing out the details of a written piece, like a film or illustration, augmented reality is poised to transform the way books extend into our cultural milieu.
Allow Augmented RealiTease guide you through the design and development of an augmented reality mobile application that's customized for your business or organization. As award-winning developers of all types of advanced custom software, in a wide variety of computer languages, and using an extensive range of custom features, Augmented RealiTease is prepared to help you and your business reach a new generation of users and keep them engaged with the world of books by using computer technology. While many think online devices are a detriment to reading and to fostering a love of books, Augmented RealiTease has a number of ideas that will serve to enhance reading experiences, encourage book collection and connoisseurship, and allow people of all ages to participate in a substantial appreciation of this important cultural legacy. If you have an interest in augmented reality and would like to know more, or if you already have an application development project in mind, contact us today.