Engine Assembly AR

Augmented reality software applications are beginning to find their way into more and more industries. Augmented reality is an interface that combines virtual elements with a camera perspective for a unique integration of computer data dynamically linked to real elements in one's environment. As more entrepreneurs and software developers become familiar with the many possibilities AR can offer, users will have access to experiences previously unavailable.
Apple and Android have recently released their AR development platforms, named ARKit and ARCore respectively, making it possible for anyone with a smartphone or tablet to have access to augmented reality applications. Augmented RealiTease is a leading developer of cutting edge software applications, with the launch of its first AR project in 2009. With a focus on the design and development of augmented reality applications, Augmented RealiTease has responded to the advent of ARKit and ARCore with a set of new AR concepts with immediate potential for development and implementation. Engine Assembly AR can be used to guide users through the complex process of reassembling an engine without previous specialized training.
While large scale engine assembly operations are now almost completely automated, there are numerous instances where the assembly of an engine by hand is necessary, and Engine Assembly AR can be customized to help a user reassemble engines for a car, a motorcycle, or a boat. Dynamic real-time instruction in a step-by-step augmented reality format offers detailed guidance for anyone to rebuild an engine from scratch.
Engine Assembly AR will provide a highly effective platform for the development of AR instructions for an expanding menu of engine types, and ultimately be incorporated into engine assembly training for professionals and enthusiasts worldwide. Engine Assembly AR takes maximum advantage of the dynamic and immersive properties of augmented reality to achieve an accelerated learning curve for vital machine assembly knowledge and repair proficiency.
Users will access Engine Assembly AR on their smartphone or tablet. Users will be prompted to lay out their components and tools for examination in separate sets. After scanning the sets, Engine Assembly AR will quickly determine the make and model as well as the type of engine, and indicate whether there are missing components or tools needed for the complete and successful assembly. After the initial part-and-tool assessment is made, users will be asked to place the engine block on the staging area. Graphic instructions and floating text will label each piece and indicate where it will be mounted on the engine block. Detailed gear assemblies will be indicated with step-by-step assembly instructions, and virtual markers will appear in real time to point out when and where the engine should be lubricated during the assembly process. Operational graphics will show users where to screw components together with rotational vectors, and directional vectors will demonstrate where components slide into others.
About Augmented RealiTease
Augmented RealiTease's parent company, DDA, is a pioneer in virtually all forms of digital interactive multimedia design and development. Augmented RealiTease won Tabby Awards in both 2012 and 2014 for two of its own original tablet applications, in addition to multiple awards for interactive web design and search engine marketing. Whether it involves continuing medical education (CME) and other eLearning platforms to videos, animations, mobile apps, and or any other type of software design or development project, an experienced team of professional designers, programmers, and multimedia specialists will apply a logical and iterative approach to the project. By using a comprehensive skill set, Augmented RealiTease is able to handle every aspect of the project in house, without the use of third-party subcontractors. This way Augmented RealiTease keeps full control of the project and maintains excellent communication with the client during the entire process, with flawless results that meet your project goals and exceed your expectations. If you want to learn more about Engine Assembly AR, contact Augmented RealiTease today.