Augmented Reality Military App - Augmented RealiTease
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Military App

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The software development industry is beginning to change the way we interact with information. Augmented Reality is an exciting interactive 3D interface that uses the camera as a method to layer 3D computer graphics directly into your unique perspective. Apple and Android have introduced their respective AR development platforms, named ARKit and ARCore, making it possible for Augmented Reality application to be deployed at a wider scale and reach many more people. It also makes the development of Augmented Reality applications more cost effective and feasible for initial investment. The military has always been at the forefront of technological development, and there are many ways for AR to be implemented in the field of engagement. Like flight simulators and strategy gaming, Augmented Reality represents the next stage of evolution in interactive and immersive visualization systems, and DDA has the experience and the expertise to bring an initial concept to a finished result that performs reliably and adds value to the mission. As pioneers in simulation experiences, DDA can see many ways for the Military to incorporate Augmented Reality and we would like to share some of our applications ideas.


The military is an industry that relies on real time coordinated communication with different protocols, visualization systems, and advanced encryption. Augmented Reality provides a central organizing interface for this information, making the experience of gathering storing accessing and deploying information more efficient and seamless. Augmented Reality gives soldiers an intuitive hands free method to access computer information directly into the field.


The future of Augmented Reality is very bright with a new set of features and capabilities that will find widespread use across many industries and activities. The military will have a low cost method to develop new apps for training that is more effective and can serve to orient recruits more quickly. Simulations excel at accelerating skill development and Augmented Reality is the next wave of simulation technology available for military purposes.


The military is already making a major push towards Augmented Reality. Military night vision headsets are being replaced with state-of-the-art digital headsets that employ AR as the interface. This advanced AR eyewear will lead soldiers into battle armed with more information.

A common AR platform for the entire chain of command can provide context specific mission data in real time, with the ability to display and incorporate many types of information in a real time real world military operation. Apps can be customized for each squad division and branch of military action. The immersive capabilities of AR enable soldiers to access satellite information and detailed map and GPS data without shuffling through maps, and distances of sudden events can be dynamically measured in real time. Advancing allies can be identified with dynamic text labels. Plane recognition, as well as any other type of military vehicle can be readily identified in the field.

AR will also play a major role in the future of Military Simulation training. Many types of training can be carried out in vivid immersive detail in a low cost zero risk format. Teams of trainees can share in simulation experiences that require coordinated action and real or virtual equipment. Operational graphics like arrows can be layered over vehicles and equipment to indicate best practices and efficient use, and text labels, audio prompts, even 3D avatar instructors can offer crucial training support.

DDA is a highly experienced Augmented Reality app company. We maintain a long list of satisfied repeat clients across many types of industries and services. Our first AR project was launched in 2009 and now, with the introduction of ARKit and ARCore, there's never been a better time to create innovative mobile AR apps for the military. DDA received the Tabby Award for the Best Healthcare iPad App of 2012, and we remain committed to the implementation of creative ideas with robust performance. Our vertically integrated studio, located just outside of Philadelphia, directs one of the most comprehensive skill sets of any Augmented Reality app company anywhere. By using a logical, step-by-step approach to innovation, our team of experienced professionals completes all of the work in house, whether the project requires extensive database management, eLearning and certification programs, 3D computer modeling and animation, graphic design and multimedia production, or any type of custom software design and programming. This way, we are able to streamline production costs and maintain excellent communication with our clients during the process. For a flawless and engaging end user experience across every platform and to every device, look to DDA for an Augmented Reality app company that will deliver value and cutting edge advancements in military visualization systems.

If you would like to know more about our Augmented Reality app for the Military, we'd be pleased to arrange a suitable time to discuss it in greater detail.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


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