
Augmented Reality has been used for military applications before, but now, with the advent of Apple's ArKit and Android's ARCore, their respective AR platforms for the internet, it will be even more feasible to develop custom mobile software applications for the civilian population and military personnel alike. As an innovative 3D computer interface, Augmented Reality has much to offer in the way of immersive and interactive experiences that vividly simulate real world scenarios for education, hands-on training, and all sorts of advanced logistical and strategic operations. Whether it's in the classroom or on the battlefield, AR can offer enhanced experiences to support the task, with data delivered in the right format at the right time for mission specific results.
Classroom scenarios
In a classroom setting, Augmented Reality can offer a number of useful tools to enhance the traditional experience, with layers of 3D computer data to improve student-teacher interaction. Students can access the app from their smartphones or tablets and engage in interactive presentations and multi-player scenarios with simulations guided by the instructor.
Training in the field
For training in the field, Augmented Reality can be employed to coordinate the soldiers' actions in a networked environment where they all have access to detailed, mission specific information. Specialized navigation and orienteering data can be dynamically layered into the scenario to enable more efficient movement and to keep an accurate formation.
In the most critical conditions, Augmented Reality can provide real time information to soldiers in the field using helmets equipped with a hands free device. From infantry situations to enhanced displays for tanks, planes, and support vehicles, Augmented Reality can supply information in a format that can make the difference between life and death and help ensure a successful mission.
As a leading developer of innovative mobile software applications, DDA has extensive experience with many types of clients, ranging from heavy industry and manufacturing, medical and healthcare, education, and entertainment. DDA's studio is just outside of Philadelphia, and our team of graphic designers, writers, multi-media specialists, and custom software programmers and designers can take on any software development challenge. We attack projects with a logical, step-by-step approach and we do all of our work in house to maintain the best communication with our clients. Our uniquely comprehensive skillset allows us to select the right tools for the job and to employ the optimum strategy for implementation and deployment. DDA strives to deliver results that exceeds our clients' expectations and offers users a seamless and effective experience across all platforms. Whether the project involves extensive database management, e-learning, advanced simulations with 3D computer modeling, animation, multimedia effects, and production, or any type of custom software programming and design, DDA can make it happen. If you want know more about our AR ideas for the Military, or if you have a specific idea you feel would be well suited to AR development, let's arrange a time to meet and discuss it in detail.