Water Treatment Operator AR App by Augmented RealiTease
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Water Treatment Operator AR

25 Years of Digital

The training and repair industries are going to be experiencing some exciting changes in the near future. The advent of augmented reality applications for online instructional manuals and precisely guided training has just received a serious boost with the introduction of ARKit and ARCore, Apple and Android's new AR development platforms. As the next advance in computer interface design, augmented reality uses a camera as the source of the interface to incorporate virtual reality into a user's perspective. Integrating computer information directly into a user's real world environment allows dynamically responsive virtual elements to be seamlessly integrated into many types of hands-on AR inspection, training and repair procedures.

Augmented RealiTease is a full-service interactive multimedia company with a specific focus on the design and development of augmented reality applications, and the advent of ARKit and ARCore has prompted Augmented RealiTease to present a set of advanced AR concepts that are geared towards training procedures and certification programs that enforce standards and practices in their respective industries. The features and advanced capabilities of augmented reality can be used to create Water Treatment Operator AR, an augmented reality app to be used by the water treatment industry to guide technicians and trainees through water treatment procedures.


Water treatment is an essential part of our nation's infrastructure, with an ongoing need for certified water treatment technicians. Augmented reality can play a crucial role in making improvements for advanced training. Water treatment is required to ensure safety and to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. Water Treatment Operator AR can be developed to orient trainees and staff to the entire facility and its processes, with specific on-site information delivered dynamically in real time. Standards are enforced by the AWWA, who oversees training and certifications, and technician training programs typically involve a three-year apprenticeship, with subsequent licensure. Water Treatment Operator AR can be developed in strict association with the standards laid out by the AWWA and other regulatory bodies, and customized to meet the specific processing requirements of a particular water treatment facility. Water Treatment Operator AR will orient trainees to the workings of the plant and the steps involved in processing, interactively detail the steps required for processing, material handling procedures, required safety gear, and more.


Water Treatment Operator AR has the potential to use all of the features and capabilities of augmented reality to train prospective technicians and facility staff in water treatment equipment, inspection, sampling, and repairs. With augmented reality as the primary hands-on communication tool, Water Treatment Operator AR will accelerate training and ensure safety standards nationwide.


Water treatment involves the coordination of many factors, in a context of vigilant monitoring and safety considerations. Chemical analysis, equipment and pipeline inspection, pump maintenance, and many other procedures are routinely carried out at a water treatment facility, and Water Treatment Operator AR can be developed to address the management of water as it moves its way through the system. Augmented reality can deliver context specific text and support graphics when and where they're needed. As trainees move in and around a water treatment facility, floating text can appear in their camera view to direct them through each step of the process. Operational graphics such as arrows and vectors can indicate how to interact with equipment, floating text instructions can help trainees read and help interpret information displays on equipment, and safety training can be incorporated, with safety tips delivered at specific material handling junctures.

Critical equipment can be checked, such as aeration blowers, and PLC panels. Detailed training can be provided for the many types of sampling methods required for water treatment, and customized for water procedures in reservoirs or sewage treatment facilities. Permit conditions are often changing, and Water Treatment Operator AR can be developed to help onsite technicians to stay up to date with the latest regulations.

About Augmented RealiTease

Located just outside Philadelphia, DDA formed Augmented RealiTease to respond to the release of ARKit and ARCore. With award-winning experience in virtually all forms of digital interactive multimedia design and development, DDA decided to create a company exclusively dedicated to augmented reality application development. A dedicated and experienced team of professional designers, programmers, and multimedia specialists has developed the comprehensive skill set to complete all aspects of a project in house, without the use of third-party contractors. Maintaining complete control of project allows Augmented RealiTease to streamline production costs and keep close contact with the client during the entire process. Whether the project includes continuing medical education (CME) and other eLearning platforms to videos, animations, mobile apps, and or any other type of software design or development, Augmented RealiTease works closely with their clients to achieve their project goals and exceed their expectations. For fully tested final results that create a flawless end user experience, across every platform to every device, contact Augmented RealiTease today and learn more about augmented reality and Water Treatment Operator AR.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


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